"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves." -Phil. 2:3
Those whose minds are set on this world incessantly pursue significance. Some seek it in religion, others in the accumulation of material possessions. Most seek it by means of belittling others (at least in their own minds), so that they can feel more significant by comparison.
As we know, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the great equalizer of all humanity. We have all sinned and are all under the judgment of a righteous Judge, apart from His grace. To compare ourselves to one another in an effort find significance is ridiculous. Apart from our Creator and Redeemer, we have none. All is dust and ashes. But - good news - with our Creator and Redeemer, absolute and eternal significance are imputed to us!
Therefore the gospel is not merely the great equalizer of humanity, it turns humanity's vain search for significance on its head. Paul says, essentially, "Now that you have significance in Christ, you are FREE to live the rest of your life considering others more significant than yourself!" Why? Because in Christ we've gone from zero to infinity with three words: "It is finished." We've gone from meaninglessness to concentrated purpose and direction with "Make disciples of all nations" and "Love your neighbor as yourself."
We are free to take our minds off ourselves and our personal pursuit of significance because He has given us all that we will ever need. We are free to count others as more significant because that is a reenactment of Messiah's cross on which He said, "Father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing."
Believer. You are free to count others more significant than yourself.