Monday, February 22, 2010

The Gospel - Assumed or Explicit?

I know that I can easily be accused of being negative about "the church" (universal) from time to time. Sometimes this comes from a selfish, fleshly desire that I see replicated in leaders around me to be the "next big thing" in the ministry revolution. But a great deal of my frustration has been centered in the reality that SO MANY who spend their lives in our churches will, quite possibly, spend an eternity in hell because their religion will NEVER be enough to save them.

And before any of us pick up the pitchforks and megaphones: If you were raised in below the mason-dixon line in an evangelical church, I'm talking about you (and about me). While I do believe that I have understood and embraced justification by faith alone, I find myself in a daily struggle to justify myself with my works. It's hogwash, and it's heretical. Most of all... it's scary.

It's terrifying to me that so many are blinded by their southern religion.

My intent with this post is not to write another long treatise but rather to encourage you to watch a presentation by a man I've recently begun following named Matt Chandler. He gave this message at the Southeastern 20/20 conference (via recording). I believe Matt to be a godly man who is completely immersed in the Bible.

PLEASE take time to watch this. It could seriously change you and your church's life.

I think it's about 27 minutes long.

In Christ,

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