Thursday, July 29, 2010

Set Your Mind

The Bible makes a big deal about how we use our minds. Christ commands us (quoting Deuteronomy) to love the Lord with all of our mind. The stuff that we put into our minds has a lasting affect on the way we live or lives.

Colossians 3:2 says to, "Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on the earth." I believe that Paul is (as is his usual custom) comparing those things which are of the flesh (and temporary) with those things which are of the Spirit (and are eternal). Paul is encouraging us to SET our minds on those things which are eternal. Setting is an act of the will. This implies two things: 1.We do have a choice as to where we focus our attention, and 2.We do have the ability to focus our attention on the right things. We are not hopeless victims of circumstance (no matter how bad the circumstance). We can choose to have faith, exhibit patience, and embrace love for others regardless of the distractions around us.

Have you ever had an amazing worship or spiritual experience? Have you ever wished it would just last forever? Do you wonder why it doesn't? Now I'm sure that experiences are not made to last (just read 1 Corinthians 13 - these things will all pass away with time). But I believe there is an element of encouragement, contentment, joy, and peace that we receive from communion with God and other believers that IS intended to last. So, how do we maintain this?

Think of it this way: When we leave a place of worship (or a mindset of worship) and immediately begin to joke around with our friends about earthly things, particularly things that border on sin, we begin to set our minds on things related to this earth, things that are temporary. It is no doubt that our heavenly vision is blurred when we so quickly allow our gaze to return to damnable and destructive thoughts and conversations. I've seen it a thousand times... even in my own life.

I used to go to a worship service in Atlanta called 7:22. On Tuesday nights we would have some of the most amazing times of worship together with other believers. But only ten minutes after these services, at the local Steak-and-Shake, I would find myself indulging in conversation littered with (at best) pop-culture nonsense and (at worst) godless chatter.

Now I don't mean to be a fuddy-dud (not sure on the correct spelling there :). It's not like we can constantly be quoting Scripture to one another or in a state of prayer. I'm not sure God desires that we be, as one person said, "so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good." The point is really about our mindset. Is our Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit always invited wherever our minds, mouths, and feet take us? OR, are there parts of our lives from which we try to keep them away?

Can I really spend 6 hours in front of a TV or Computer Screen and remain focused on the Gospel? Can someone really spend a whole day playing video games and remain in communion with the Father? Can I really speak harmfully to a brother or sister in Christ and expect God to hear my prayers? Can someone constantly engage in a fleshly lifestyle and expect to find rewards in heaven?

"For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." -Romans 8:6

I don't know about you, but my goal is find and keep that life and that peace.

In Christ,

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