Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Moldovan Journal: Part 2 - Walking

"Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." -John 9:25 (ESV)

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they have been with Jesus." -Acts 4:13 (ESV)

There's something about going to a country and culture far from home. A place where routine and comfort are removed. It is in this place that I have seen the Holy Spirit move most mightily in and through me. I have often asked myself "why?" Why does it take such circumstances to bring me to a place of great usefulness to my Lord? I am thoroughly convinced that God only uses those who realize their desperate need for Him.

Oh, it's not as if I can't recite the theological truth or sing the hymn declaring my need for Him each hour, but when human energy is spent, resources are few, and desire is focused (on the gospel alone), GREAT things happen.

I am certain that this is the case because God alone receives the glory in such situations. When I have much to bring to the table, He allows me to do my thing... in my own power, unfortunately. When I realize that anything of any eternal value is impossible to accomplish short of a divine act of grace, then I am ready to see Him work.

I want to walk with Jesus like this all the time. Not just in the big youth events where I am begging for a great move of the Holy Spirit. Not just in the crises where I suddenly see my inadequacy. But every day. I want to say with the man born blind that, "He has made me see." Not just once when I was nine years old... but every single day. Lord, help me to see with Your eyes and trust in Your strength.

I want others to look at my life and take note that I have been with Jesus, not because it's a nice boost to the ego but because things are happening around me that can only be explained by an Almighty God... things that bring Him glory alone!

I want to walk with Jesus today, and every day... in utter dependence upon Him. There is nothing so important on my list of things to do this day that should keep me from communing with Him. Lord, help me remember these things.

In Christ,

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